CREW Innovation Hub opening
We were delighted to see the opening this year of our building for the new Creative Enterprise West (CREW) Innovation Hub on the ATU Creative Arts & Media campus, Galway
Creative Industries Innovation Hub
CREW is a collaborative initiative founded by the Atlantic Technological University (ATU), the Western Development Commission, and Ardán. It is a not-for-profit CLG supported by a voluntary Board of Directors where their mission is to support increased enterprise development, innovation and job growth in the Creative Technology (CreaTech) sector in the West of Ireland
The brief was to provide an exciting stand-alone building on the existing ATU Creative Arts campus, Cluain Mhuire to provide a space to bring together the CreaTech community to inspire collaboration, co-creation, innovation and growth
The completed project has exceeded all client requirements and expectations with a vibrant new building which re-invigorates the front of the existing university campus, enhances and strengthens the pedestrian realm whilst providing excellent flexible multi-unit co-working space for global animation, gaming and createch hub
The project was heavily influenced by its existing setting where the proposed building is designed to reveal itself through the existing trees with the backdrop of the existing historic Cluain Mhuire buildings(protected structure). With a subtle re-interpretation of and reference to the existing historic buildings including its feature windows, natural slate roof and adjoining chapel with timber ceilings, the building sought to enhance an existing green space within the university campus, breathing life into this part of the site, while improving pedestrianisation though the re-establishing of the existing historic secondary entrance to the front of the existing building via a new pedestrian route from Wellpark road
Low carbon design & sustainability were key considerations, where LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) sustainability principles were applied from the project outset and through the design development stages
The above sustainability principles manifested themselves during the projects in area’s such as consideration of a demountable and renewal facade system, heat pump technology, LED smart lighting and other methods in reducing both embodied carbon as well as future carbon use within the building
The building is orientated to maximize passive solar gain and where it exceeds present nZEB (near zero energy building) standards. A ‘fabric first’ approach was also taken through a high performing building envelope & airtightness standards which also included a demountable & recyclable façade system, fully documented through environmental product declarations(EPD’s) which considers life cycle assessment and all data about the environmental impacts of the building materials
A mobility management plan is in place for the building which is a live document which considers items such as modes of transport and how building users travel to the building and methods to reduce car usage. The building and site avail of adjacent public transport including a future intended bus corridor & dedicated cycle lane to Wellpark road, under the current Galway Transport Strategy (GTS)
Greenscaping & permeable hardscaping was provided to minimise surface water discharge to the public system, and an overall ambition to provide a low carbon development